Harrow Local Offer Logo

Harrow Local Offer Logo

young adults raising arms in the air to celebrate

Preparing for adulthood

Between the ages of 16 and 25, young people move from children’s services to adult services, and develop the skills they need to live independently.

The transition process is one that all young people go through, but it can be especially difficult for young people with special educational needs. The transition team looks at what help can be provided to help the young adult live an independent life. The transition process involves Education, Health and Social Care services.

We provide the following support:

  • Social work support – a social worker is available to support the young person and their family through transition.
  • Personal budgets – if you are assessed by social services as being eligible for support you can request a personal budget. MyCommunity ePurse (Mycep) will help you find services with your personal budget.
  • Living independently – we can help young adults find independent accommodation if they are assessed as eligible for social care support.
  • Carers Assessments – we can look at the needs for a carer of a young person and help support their caring role.
  • Employment and training - We start to talk about moving to post-16 learning when a young person is 14, in a conversation that can involve teachers, council staff, health professionals and voluntary workers.

Young adults can be supported up to age 25 with an Education, Health and Care Plan, which looks at the help they need to move into higher and further education and into employment. The options include:

  • Colleges and schools which offer further education
  • Universities which offer higher education
  • Training providers who offer support to work
  • Apprenticeships which offer on-the-job training

Further information

For more information on transferring Learning Disability Assessments to Education, Health and Care Plans, read Harrow Council's Transition plan.

For travel advice and assistance for those in full-time education and in wage training, see Harrow Council's transport policy statement.

If you would like to talk to someone about the type of care you are receiving and require someone to speak on your behalf, please view information about adult health and social care advocacy webpage.

We strongly recommend you read the helpful information and advice: growing up, the pathway to adulthood and the Post-16 services.