Harrow Local Offer Logo

Harrow Local Offer Logo

Social Care

As a parent or carer with a child or young person with SEN and/or a disability, you may require additional support in the parenting role, or to help you access further services.

See the below links for information about social work support and services in Harrow.


Adult Social Care

Some young people with SEN and disabilities will need support to help them plan for their future and achieve their goals in adult life. For information about young people with SEN and disabilities transitioning into adulthood, view the links below.


Additional services

Research shows that prevention, early support and joint working with our partners can significantly reduce the need for statutory intervention later on in children’s lives. Early Support delivers services and activities for parents, carers, pregnant women and young people aged 0-19 (or 25 with Special Educational Needs/disability).

Early Support is a non-statutory service area that supports children, young people and families to improve their outcomes and reach their goals and aspirations. It does this through:

  • Positive engagements.
  • Finding out about the power they have and sustaining it.
  • Exploring their needs with them.
  • Helping them identify the things they want to change, in order to be the person and/ parent they want to be.

For more information see our Early support hubs.