Information and advice for Harrow residents
If you live in Harrow there is lots of help and friendly advice available. Some of the groups are run by parents who have children with learning difficulties and disabilities, and through their experience they may understand the problems you may face.
Disability register
If you'd like to receive information on local and national services sign up to the disabled children and young adults register.
Useful Harrow based organisations
- Harrow Children and Young People’s Advocacy Service
- Harrow Association of Disabled People
- Harrow Citizens Advice Bureau
- Harrow Family Information Service
- Harrow MENCAP
- Harrow Parent Forum
- Harrow SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (formerly Harrow Parent Partnership Service)
- HELIX Education Centre (formerly Harrow Tuition Service)
- Kids Can Achieve
- Centre for ADHD & Autism Support
Please let us know if there are any organisations you feel should be included on this website by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Short Breaks Bulletin
The Short Breaks Partnership is a consortium of the following groups:
- Contact a Family
- the Council for Disabled Children
- Action for Children
They now produce a quarterly Short Breaks Bulletin. This includes information and guidance on Short Breaks services and other useful information.
Autism-friendly shopping
Find out more about a ‘Quieter Hour’ in all Morrisons stores.