Harrow Local Offer Logo

Harrow Local Offer Logo

Special education provision for children in Harrow

The Local Authority and schools in the Harrow area are committed to making sure that, wherever possible, every child can receive a good education in a local school of their choice.

Most children with a special educational need (SEN) have their needs met by their school with little or no need of support from external agencies. In some cases schools will ask for extra support from services for these children.

Schools must identify pupils who have SEN and need extra help and they provide this under the heading of SEN support. Most children who have extra help are supported under SEN Support. Identifying a need at the earliest point and then making effective provision improves long term outcomes for children and young people. See more information about SEN Support.

Children with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP) have a greater need of assistance. They are still usually supported within their local pre-school, school or college setting. The statutory assessment process for an EHCP is co-ordinated by the SEN assessment & review service

Harrow Council provides a range of special education provision for children and young people with learning disabilities

Special education provision offers the opportunity for individual and small group work with staff who have an understanding and experience of working with children with complex needs. Special teaching services, educational psychologists and other professionals work together with parents and carers to ensure that children with complex needs have individually designed programmes and interventions that support their needs.

Further information

The list below provides information on special education services for young people in Harrow: