Harrow Local Offer Logo

Harrow Local Offer Logo

Who is Adult Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for?

This service is for adults aged 18 and above who live in Harrow and are registered to a Harrow GP.

What does the service provide?

The acute inpatient Physiotherapy rehab service is geared towards the following specialities:

  • Orthopaedic
  • Elderly care
  • Stroke
  • Respiratory medicine
  • General rehab (for inpatients who are indicated for Physiotherapy rehab)


Occupational Therapy

The Occupational Therapy service is also provided across the above areas. This service supports patients' rehabilitation into daily life and assists planning for their discharge.

Outpatient services are geared towards the following specialities:

  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Adult neurology (limited service)
  • Occupational Therapy for hand therapy

There is also a small respiratory outpatient department service, which primarily accepts GP referrals with a confirmed diagnosis of bronchiectasis.

How do I access the service?

Inpatients are referred either by the nursing or the medical team. A therapist will assess the patient and decide whether therapy is the most appropriate treatment to support their needs.
Outpatients are referred either by a GP, a hospital consultant or their team. Appointments are offered by phone using a partial booking system.
Follow up treatments are booked directly with patients.
The services are provided by London North West Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWHT)

Inpatient services

Services are available Monday to Sunday depending on patient needs.
There is also an out-of-hours emergency physiotherapy service for patients with acute respiratory problems.

Outpatient services

Physiotherapy - Monday to Saturday, 7.30am to 5pm
Occupational Therapy - Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30 pm

For further information visit www.lnwh.nhs.uk/services

Additional services